the FarmSmarter app
provides accessible solutions for farmers to make the best of their smallholdings and land.

FarmSmarter crop clinic
Our scientists have developed a state-of-the art AI crop disease identification tool to help farmers identify and treat crop diseases earlier.

FarmSmarter field mapping
Fiield mapping is the cornerstone of what makes FarmSmarter so smart.
By recording accurate field locations and sizes we can help farmers to manage their production, send information that is relevant to their location and help them plan for the future, by calculating expected yields and planning suitable crop rotations

FarmSmarter soil management
Soil is the foundation of agriculture, we help our farmers to sustainably manage the soil on their farm by suggesting nature-based methods to improve its condition, and nutrition

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We would love you to be one of the first to beta-test the FarmSmarter app – it's free to join our community!
Our early bird beta-testing members will get lifetime privileges and early access to FarmSmarter premium tools as they become available.